What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat?


Hello, Guys welcome back here you will learn What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat? While we hope this never happens to you, don’t we all wonder what happens when you block someone on Snapchat? For some reason, you never get to witness the other side of the storey. Can they still get in touch with you? Are they able to see your stories?

What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat?

So, we’re here to set your mind at ease. So let’s have a look at what occurs when you block someone on Snapchat.

If you don’t want to be Snapchat friends with someone, you can quickly ban them on social media. Before you use the Snapchat block feature, you should be aware of the ramifications of blocking someone.


You’re probably wondering if the blocked contact can see your profile. Can they have a look at your stories? What about out-of-date messages? Allow us to clear up any confusion and answer any queries you may have.

What happens when you block someone on Snapchat?

Okay, let’s get started. This is what occurs on Snapchat when you block someone. Remember that in order to block someone, they do not have to be in your Friends list (we’ll discuss this later), but for the sake of these instances, we’ll assume they are.

when you block someone on Snapchat You will not receive snaps from them

As previously stated, when a user is blocked, their chat page remains unchanged. This also implies that they have the ability to send you messages. Those messages, however, will not be delivered to you. While on the blocked person’s side, they will just show as unread, and you will not receive any notification of the chats being sent to you.
Likewise, if a blocked person sends you a snap, it will be marked as delivered on their end. However, you will not be notified of the same. This feature protects the blocker by not informing the person who has been blocked that they have been blocked.


when you block someone on Snapchat can They can still view your snaps

Now that we know that the Snap would go through even if the individual is blocked, the question is whether blocking a person will result in the deletion of an unopened Snap. Regrettably, the answer is no. Even if the snap is still unopened while the individual is blocked, they can still open it and view it. This is counterintuitive because you wouldn’t want a blocked person to see your snap.
They will, however, be unable to access the snap once it has expired (after 24 hours).

when you block someone on Snapchat can Sent messages or snaps will not go through

Continuing with the previous example, the blocked individual has messaged you after you have blocked them. If you unblock them at any point, the message you sent will not be transmitted to you. You will not receive the message while it is unread on the blocked person’s side.
Similarly, if the banned individual sent you a snap while they were booked, the snap will be hidden from you once they are unblocked. While it will remain unread on the blocked person’s end, you will receive no notification of the person having sent you a snap at all, even if it has not yet expired.

when you block someone on Snapchat Can you see old saved messages?

As previously stated, in order to unblock someone, you must first add them back to your friend list. You will be unable to communicate with them if you do not. This is due to the fact that blocking someone also unfriends them.
You can start a chat with them once you’ve added them back as a friend. All saved communications will remain accessible as if the user had never been blocked in the first place.


when you block someone on Snapchat will they know?

No, Snapchat does not notify the individual who has been blocked. This is a privacy feature that safeguards the blocker. As previously stated, even if the blocked individual attempts to send you a chat message or snap, it will be delivered as if they are not blocked.
A person will only know if they have been blocked if they open your chat and discover that you haven’t answered any of their messages or snaps in a while.

when you block someone on Snapchat will They cannot add you back

No. If you block someone, they will not be aware that they have been blocked. This means you’re still on their friend list even if they’re not on yours. If a person is already on your friend list, there is no way to add them again.
To add that barred person back to your friend list, you must first unlock them and then send them a friend request. Even if you unblock them, they will be unable to send you a friend request.

when you block someone on Snapchat will Blocked person will be removed from your best friends

When you block someone, your interaction with them is immediately reduced to nil. Interaction is used by best friends and Snapstreaks to rank your friendships. Because your interaction has been reduced to nil, the blocked person will be automatically removed from your Best Friends list.
If you unblock and re-friend the individual, you will have to restart your interaction from the beginning. This means that you won’t be able to keep your previous Snapstreaks if you had them.


when you block someone on Snapchat You won’t get screenshots notifications

Unfortunately, you will not be notified if a blocked user screenshots one of your chats. While the message that they have a screenshot will appear on the side of the blocked individual, you will not receive one.
Furthermore, even if you unblock them and put them back to your Friends list, you will not be able to check if they have screenshotted any discussions.

when you block someone on Snapchat Chats will be deleted for you but not for them

This is most likely the most often asked question. When you block a Snapchat user, they are permanently erased from your account. This means that their communication will also vanish. You will see that there is no sign of the person if you browse through your chats page.
The individual who is blocked, on the other hand, sees nothing of the like. In reality, the chats look precisely the same on their end, with no changes. Saved chats are still visible to the blocked person, regardless of who saved them.


Yes, you can block anyone on Snapchat. They don’t have to be on your contact list. As for this post, we are going with an assumption that the person is present on your Friends list.


First, let us show you how to block someone on Snapchat and then discuss its implications.


Follow the steps below to block someone on Snapchat.

Step 1: Open Snapchat on your phone.


Step 2: Tap on the profile picture at the top.

Step 3: Scroll down to My Friends list.

Open profile what happens when you block someone on snapchat
Open friends list

Step 4: Select a friend that you want to block.


Step 5: It will open the chat screen. Tap on the profile picture at the top.

Select friend what happens when you block someone on snapchat
Open contact info what happens when you block someone on snapchat

Step 6: Select the three-dot menu and tap Manage Friendship.

Step 7: Hit Block and you have successfully blocked the contact.

Manage friendships what happens when you block someone on snapchat
Block snapchat what happens when you block someone on snapchat

Now that you have successfully blocked contact on Snapchat, here are the limitations that the service will impose on the blocked contact.


Contacts who have been blocked can still send you messages through the Chat menu. You will not, however, receive them.

The messages on the chat screen remain unread. This is how the blocked function in WhatsApp works as well.


If the person who is blocked tries to send a snap, it will be marked as delivered on their end. Don’t be concerned. You will not be alerted of the sent snap. Snapchat will not notify the blocked individual that they have been blocked from your side, as is now the case.


Unopened Snapchat snaps can still be viewed by blocked contacts. If you mistakenly send the wrong snap, blocking the contact will not undo the sent snaps.

You must wait 24 hours for the snap to be removed from Snapchat servers. It is not necessary to block someone on Snapchat in order to retract a sent snap.



Perhaps you changed your mind about blocking someone on Snapchat and want to unblock them immediately.

When you unblock a contact, you will not receive any messages sent to you by the blocked contact while you were blocked.

The same scenario holds true for snaps. If a contact attempted to send a snap while blocked, unblocking them will not result in the snap appearing in the chat menu.



Snapchat does not notify or provide any indication of the blocked status to others. After all, it’s a privacy feature, and Snapchat would want to keep the blocker safe in this case.

As previously said, all normal messages and snaps are sent properly so that the other person is unaware that you have blocked them.


The answer is no. When you block someone on Snapchat, the service will automatically unfriend the person from your list.


When you unblock the same person, you must add he/she to your friends’ list again.


Once you unblock someone on Snapchat and add them to your friends’ list, you can view all the old saved messages as before.


Yes. Snapchat will remove the individual from your friends list, but you will continue to be on the blocked person’s friends list.


Even if you’re on their friend list, they won’t be able to send you a message or snap.


You will not receive screenshot notifications from blocked contacts. The blocked person will see a snapshot notification on their side, but you will not be notified.


When using Snapchat’s block feature, be cautious. The service will remove the person’s full conversation history. On the other hand, the conversation remains on the side of the individual who has been blocked.



Snapchat is still a favourite among teenagers due to its unique take on the messaging experience. Some people may be irritated if you send too many messages or snaps. Go ahead and apply the above-mentioned techniques to stop them. Keep the FAQ in mind to learn how Snapchat’s block and unblock functions work.

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