Are you experiencing bloating? Here’s the best exercises to try


Is your stomach feeling bloating? Learn all there is to know about the benefits of regular exercise.

image via gastrosav

Exercise isn’t a cure-all for bloating, therefore it can’t be claimed that it is. Most of the reasons of bloating must be addressed at the source if bloating is to be permanently alleviated. However, keeping your body moving is always a good thing, and when it comes to bloating, even helping to minimise puffiness or taking some of the tension out of it can be a major relief.

The PureGym Aberdeen gym manager Doni Thomson, a personal trainer and gym manager, answered our questions regarding the link between bloating and exercise.


Bloating: what is it and why am I experiencing it?

It’s possible that you’re experiencing bloating when your stomach begins to feel bloated and somewhat unpleasant. Many individuals report that when they are bloated, their stomachs seem much larger and rounder than they normally are. Some stomach discomfort, rumbling, and tenderness may accompany bloating.

When you consume a lot of food or have a lot of gas in your stomach, you’re more likely to feel bloated. Bowel discomfort may be exacerbated, however, by consuming large quantities of certain foods and beverages, such as carbonated beverages and certain vegetables. Additionally, women’s menstrual cycles might leave them bloated.

A bloated stomach might be caused by some meals more than others. There are oligosaccharides in wheat, onions, garlic, legumes, and beans, as well as disaccharides in lactose and monosaccharides in certain fruits, such as apples and pears, on this food list. So think curries and rice bowls.


Other underlying illnesses such as celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and dietary intolerances may also contribute to severe bloating. A visit to the doctor is definitely worth it if you detect an increase in your bloating.

What role does exercise have in reducing gastric distention?

In many cases, excessive bloating is caused by a food intolerance or a lack of fibre in your diet, both of which may contribute to constipation. It’s recommended to consult a doctor if you have frequent, severe, or painful bloating.

Being active after a meal will improve digestion and minimise your bloating if you’re feeling bloated from overeating. Constipation, one of the leading causes of bloating, may be avoided with regular exercise.


Is it true that regular exercise reduces gas and bloating?

In order to alleviate the symptoms of gas, you should stay active, consume plenty of fibre, and drink enough of fluids. To avoid post-meal bloating, try to stop eating as soon as you feel satisfied, but if that doesn’t work and you’re already suffering pain from post-meal bloating, try doing some light exercise to assist alleviate your discomfort and lessen the bloating faster.

Bloating may be managed by a variety of exercises. In order to alleviate pain, you should engage in some sort of movement that promotes activity. However, it is preferable to adhere to something soft rather than engaging in high intensity exercise. A variety of low-impact aerobic activities, such as walking, yoga, swimming, or cycling, are all suitable.

What kind of activities are most effective for reducing bloating?

It’s critical to resist the impulse to lay down if you want to reduce your bloat. It may be all you want to do when bloated, but laying down might keep gas contained and prevent it from exiting your body, even if you obtain immediate relief.



One of the primary reasons of bloating is gas, which may be relieved by doing cardio. Taking a quick walk or jog might be a great way to get your digestive system moving in the right direction.

Here are some of the finest running shoes, cycling cycles, and treadmills for indoor workouts, as well as some of the best treadmills for outdoor exercises.



It’s also a wonderful way to get rid of bloat. The torso twist, for example, is a great way to boost blood flow and circulation and get things rolling again. Tension-relieving positions such as the downward dog and the cat-cow When it comes to dealing with stress, yoga is an excellent tool. This is because bloating is often caused by stress, and yoga may help alleviate that tension.


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