Apple quietly Adds Postpartum Workouts to Fitness+


Apple today added a new set of postpartum workouts to Fitness+ in order to assist new mothers in getting back into shape after giving birth on a more regular basis.

image credits: macrumors

Apple has released a new set of postpartum workouts nearly a year after launching new Fitness+ workouts for pregnant women. Core, Strength, and Mindful Cooldown exercises are all included in the “Get Back to Fitness After Having a Baby” series.

The workouts in this programme are designed to help new mothers feel stronger and more energetic as they deal with the daily responsibilities of parenthood. The goal of the Core workouts is to reestablish a connection with your core, strengthen your back and abs, and tone your pelvic floor. Starting with a Core workout, you’ll learn how to build a strong foundation and avoid setbacks. A single light to medium dumbbell or your own bodyweight can be used for upper-, lower-, and total-body strength training. Also included in the Mindful Cooldowns are stretches and meditations that focus on themes like patience and self-care. Regardless of the type of delivery you had, there are exercise options to help you feel more at ease. Any of the workouts in this programme or the Fitness+ library can be done on their own or in combination with others. Before beginning an exercise programme, consult with your doctor.


It’s been reported by CNET that a variety of new exercises are focusing on strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which naturally weaken when a woman gives birth. The Mindful Cooldowns include messages about the importance of patience and self-care for new parents, as well as modifications for different intensities depending on the preferred level of activity after childbirth.

Apple Fitness+ is a video workout subscription service available in over 20 countries for $9.99 a month or $29.95 a month as part of the Apple One Premier plan. All Apple Watch owners can take advantage of a one-month free trial.


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