This Netflix true crime documentary is a tough but most-watched


There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people watching Netflix’s new real crime documentary, “Criminal Minds.”

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This year, Netflix has already seen a slew of big true crime blockbusters. Many of the streamer’s other documentaries, such as The Tinder Swindler and Bad Vegan, will appeal to genre aficionados, but its newest true crime film isn’t actually meant to be appreciated.

titled Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, it traces the ascension to celebrity status and subsequent fall from grace of the eponymous character. Savile was a DJ and TV host who captivated nearly everyone in the country and was much admired for his charitable work. Under the surface, however, was a very nasty predator who preyed on his position of authority for decades.


In contrast to previous true crime films, Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story contains over three hours of stark and terrible reality in a matter of minutes. Even though it’s spread out over the course of two feature-length episodes, this is a story that needs to be told because it’s so important.

Earlier this week, the Netflix series was launched, and it’s already climbed to the top of the list. Netflix’s most-watched TV or movie in the United Kingdom has overtaken Bridgerton season 2, but in the United States, where Savile’s fame is substantially lower, the show is still garnering popularity and presently ranks sixth on the list.

Social media users have reacted just as strongly. The name Jimmy Savile has been making the rounds on social media sites like Twitter(opens in new tab), where many are amazed that he got away with such heinous acts for so long. Discussions on how prominent individuals should be held accountable and what measures should be in place to protect children and the vulnerable have been revived as a result of the film.


Even though Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story isn’t the most entertaining Netflix series you’ve ever seen, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch it. The victims of Savile’s heinous acts have been hushed for too long, but this Netflix documentary finally allows them to speak up.

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