How to Build your glutes (without weights) with easy moves


Is working out at home an option for you? Here’s how to build up your glutes.

image credits: healthline

Squat challenges will not help you achieve your 2022 fitness objectives if you want to grow a strong buttocks and thighs. If you want to shape your glutes, don’t just practise squats for 30 days. You need to do more than that to get the results you’re looking for.

In order to get the most out of your glutes, you need to work on all three of the muscles that make up your glutes—the gluteus medius, the gluteus minimalis, and the gluteus maximus—all of which work together to support and move your hips. The hip and lateral rotation of the thigh are controlled by the gluteus maximus, the biggest of the three glute muscles. This muscle is also important for shaping the buttocks, making it an ideal target for those with an aesthetic aim in mind.


Here are some of the greatest glute exercises, but if you have difficulty with high-impact or high-intensity workouts, Kelsey Wells has devised a low-impact glute blast. To get your glutes ready for a lengthier lower-body exercise, try this 15-minute circuit using just your bodyweight. Trainer Kelsey Wells may be found on the Sweat app, a top-notch tool for getting in shape on the go.

Low-impact glutes exercise by Kelsey Wells

An exercise mat and a phone or timer are all you’ll need for this workout. In the market for a new yoga mat? We’ve rounded up the top mats that can also be used for other activities.

For this workout, you’ll do a circuit of exercises for four rounds, each lasting 45 seconds. You won’t feel any strain on your joints with any of these workouts.


The following are the four exercises you’ll be doing:

A ‘glute kickback’ is a yoga pose where you start on all fours, arms under shoulders and knees under hips. Extend and elevate one leg behind you, stop at the top, then return the knee to the starting position while engaging your abdominal and glutes. Avoid letting your knee go back down. Do 45 seconds of kickbacks on one side, then switch to the other side for the next circuit.

Lie on your back on an exercise mat, with your feet pushed into the floor approximately hip-width apart, to begin the glute bridge in proper form. As you elevate your hips and pelvis to the sky, press your glutes together and engage your core (imagine squeezing your belly button into your spine). Slowly drop your hips back to the beginning position after squeezing your glutes. That’s a total of one repetition. Glute bridges may be made more difficult by raising your arms in the air. You may learn more about glute bridges at this link.

Lift one leg out at a 45-degree angle while squeezing your core and glutes. Then lower the leg back down to its starting position. Maintain a 90-degree knee bend. Lift your leg straight up and back to your starting position, then lower it back down without letting it touch the floor as you get to the peak of the action.


Walking out: This one’s not for the squeamish! Step your legs out away from your body while maintaining your hips up and your glutes compressed in a glute bridge posture. Take a breather before retracing your steps to the starting place. Stay tight during the whole exercise and keep your hips up.

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