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Finally, the trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has been released


It’s been announced that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released “next winter.”

Finally, the trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has been released
(Image credit: Square Enix)

Last night (June 16), Final Fantasy VII Rebirth finally got the attention it deserved after a lengthy wait. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth — originally known as Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 — received a brief but significant trailer during a livestream held by Square Enix.

You can see the Fist Look Trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth by clicking here:


It’s indelible what we’ve done.” Aerith, a party member, says, “The past is eternal.” “However, even if the future has already been written, it is still subject to revision.”

The teaser then shows off some “walking-and-talking” action between Cloud and Sephiroth, the sultry protagonist. Zack Fair, another hero familiar to lifelong Final Fantasy 7 fans, is shown off, and a release date is given: “next winter.” There is also a PS5 logo, so we know for sure that the game will be available on at least one console.

It will be interesting to see what Square Enix has in store for the upcoming FFVII Remake, which was previously released for PS4 and PC.


For fans of Final Fantasy 7, even if the trailer is brief, it packs a lot of punch. First and foremost, Aerith’s narration hints that FF7 Rebirth will continue the remarkably self-aware narrative that Remake left off.

Final Fantasy VII Remake was not only a shot-by-shot reconstruction of FF7, but rather a faithful recreation of the original. As a result of a late-game story surprise, it appears as if the events of the previous game still “happened,” and the players may be able to alter their fates this time around. If Aerith’s narration is any indication, it’s possible that Square Enix will make changes to some of the most important plot events in Final Fantasy 7.

“next winter” is a little more flexible for the publisher because it covers the period from December 2023 to March 2020, which is when the game will be released. If Square Enix decides to delay the game, it isn’t out of the question; the original FF7 Remake took a long time to build.


Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion was mentioned during the livestream by Square Enix, as well as a few other FF7 themes. PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch will all be able to play this game this winter. Epic Games Store’s Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, which has been available on Steam for a while, is now completely compatible with the Steam Deck and can be played on it. So both PC and PlayStation gamers should be able to keep up before the game’s release.

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