Finally Pokémon Go is getting updated which fans have been demanding for years


It seems that Pokémon Go’s Mega Evolutions feature, which allows you to temporarily enhance your fully evolved pocket monsters, is undergoing a huge overhaul.

In a forthcoming update, Pokémon Go is expected to replace Mega Evolutions with a whole new levelling system, according to datamined by backend explorers PokeMiners(opens in new tab). If this is true, then you’ll be able to get more XP, lower cooldowns for abilities, and more sweets by upgrading your pokemon’s temporary evolutions.

Data from the datamine also revealed a Free Mega Evolution Icon, indicating that you may be able to get higher evolutionary levels for your Pokémon on occasion without spending any money.


Required alterations

Since the introduction of the Mega Evolution concept in 2020, Pokémon Go’s Mega Evolution system has been a subject of contention for players. In order to trigger one of the temporary evolutions, players now need to gather enough Mega Energy, which can be earned by defeating specified Pokémon in Raid Battles.

(Image credit: Niantic)

Those raids require you to locate other people to join up with, but they also reward you with a very little amount of Mega Energy. To get enough of this elusive resource to level up your Pokémon, you’ll have to participate in many raids. It’s also possible to get Mega Energy by walking your Buddy Pokémon, but only if you’ve already developed them via raiding.

To make matters even worse, some gamers have concluded that the Mega Evolutions aren’t worth the effort because of their short lifespan.


Icons found in a datamine indicate that it will soon be possible to develop Pokemon without the need for grinding raids. Such mega evolutions may also benefit from a level system, which might make the rewards for completing them even more valuable.

Remember that these changes haven’t been officially announced or confirmed by Pokémon Go developer Niantic, and the exact tweaks may differ from what’s shown here. Datamining suggests that the much-maligned feature may be reworked, which is good news for Pokémon Go enthusiasts who are fed up with the existing method..

Datamines and official statements will provide additional information about the new system in the following weeks.


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