Are Vanguard players demand Sledgehammer change “ridiculous” camo challenges

Call of Duty: Vanguard players are requesting Sledgehammer make changes to the game’s weapon camo grind, with players naming it “ludicrous” and zeroed in on “player maintenance”.

Weapon disguises have been a staple of Call of Duty multiplayer for upwards of 10 years, with every weapon carrying various difficulties to open skins.

Atomic camo STG44 CoD Vanguard loadout screen

Opening every one of the camos for a weapon grants players a Gold disguise, while opening Gold on an entire weapon class grants players a Diamond camo. When all weapons have been made Gold and all classes Diamond, players open a definitive authority disguise, material to all weapons.

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In Vanguard, a definitive dominance camo is called Atomic, a colourful and dynamic skin that makes weapons stand apart precisely as fans would like. Arriving, however, is a long way from basic.

At the point when the game dropped there was far and wide disarray as exemplary difficulties like 100 headshots had been supplanted by ones far harder. With expert sharpshooters, for instance, players were relied upon to collect 100 point-clear kills in what must be portrayed as a preposterously troublesome test.

The objections have extended and numerous new players are repeating them. In a December 30 Reddit post, player ‘Acryn-‘ featured exactly how troublesome they are, calling on Sledgehammer to adjust them: “As an accomplished CoD player I can say that this game has killed crushing for camos. It used to be a pleasant objective you could do as an afterthought, presently you need to commit almost 100% of your recess to open and doing the difficulties for a weapon.”

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